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Aim: was to study immediate and medium-term results of using of stent Calypso in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

Materials and methods: 274 patients with ACS were included in study and were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 140 patients, who underwent implantation of Calypso (Angioline, Russia). The other group consisted of 134 patients who underwent revascularization with further implantation of Xience (Abbot Vascular, USA). During first 24 hours after admission to the hospital all patients underwent percutaneous coronarography intervention (PCI). Their health state was monitored by phone during the 6, 9-12 months period. The majority of patients underwent coronary angiography during 9-12 months period.

Results: immediate results of the first group: incomplete stent apposition - in 0,6% cases, difficulties of delivery - in 3 cases, artery dissection - 2, occlusion of the side branch - 2 cases, acute thrombosis - 0,6% cases. Immediate results of the second group: incomplete stent apposition - in 0,5% cases, difficulties of delivery - in 2 cases, artery dissection - 2, occlusion of the side branch - 1 case, acute thrombosis - none. Confirmatory angiography in 9-12 months was done in 89 patients from the first group and 94 patients from the second group. The frequency of MACE in first group was 4,3%, in second group was 3,7%.

Conclusions: taking into consideration immediate and medium-term results it can be concludec that domestic stents can be successfully used in different clinical situations in different severity of lesions of coronary arteries. Calypso could be used in urgent PCI and they have minor percentage of complications in medium-term results.



1.     Chernjaev M.V., Koledinskij A.G. i dr. Koronarnye stenty: proshloe, nastojashhee, budushhee. Otechestvennye razrabotki v jendovaskuljarnoj hirurgii (obzor literatury). [Coronary stents: past, present, future. Domestic elaborations in endovascular surgery (literature review)]. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija. 2016; 10(4):51-56 [In Russ].

2.     Kudrjashov A.N., Lopotovskij P.Ju. Sravnitel'naja ocenka mehanicheskih svojstv koronarnogo stenta «Sinus». [Comparative estimation of mechanical properties of coronary stent «Sinus»]. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija.. 2014; 8(1)1:70-77 [In Russ].

3.     Lopotovskij P.Ju., Parhomenko M.V., Kokov L.S. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty Registra retrospektivnogo issledovanija praktiki primenenija rossijskih stentov «Sinus» i «Kalipso». [Preliminary results of a retrospective study register for the use of Russian stents «Sinus» and «Calypso»]. Vestnik Roszdravnadzora. 2015; 5:44-49 [In Russ].




Ischemic coronary artery cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of the population's disability and mortality in Russian Federation and abroad. One of the most important treatment methods of ischemic coronary artery disease is myocardial revascularizationwith with usage of coronary stents. Nowadays there exist about 500 of coronary artery stent types, which differ in backing material, polymer technology, architecture, etc.

The overwhelming majority of stents used in Russian Federation are foreign-made stents, thus their cost is really high. According to plans of medicine developing as part of import substitution it is crucial to pay more attention to domestically produced stents, in particular to the first Russian drug-eluting stent «CALYPSO». Domestic stents cause minor complications and can be successfully used in emergency cases and various clinical settings for affections of different complexity.



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8.    Kudrjashov A.N., Lopotovskij PJu. Sravnitel'naja ocenka mehanicheskih svojstv koronarnogo stenta «Sinus» [ Comparative evaluation of mechanical properties of coronary stent «Sinus»]. Diagnosticheskaja intervencionnaja radiologija. 2014; 8(1): 70-77 [In Russ].

9.     Ioseliani D.G., Koledinskij A.G. i dr. Neposredstvennye i sredneotdalennye rezul'taty stentirovanija koronarnyh arterij golometallicheskimi stentami «Sinus» (opyt NPCIK) [Immediate and mid-term results of coronary artery stenting bare metal stents, «Sinus» (experience NPTSIK)]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal intervencionnoj kardiologii. 2013; 35: 47b. [In Russ].

10.   Lopotovskij PJu., Parhomenko M.V., Kokov L.S. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty Registra retrospektivnogo issledovanija praktiki primenenija rossijskih stentov «Sinus» i «Kalipso» [Preliminary results of a retrospective study of the Register practice of Russian stents «Sinus» and «Calypso»]. Vestnik Roszdravnadzora. 2015, 5:44-49 [In Russ]. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы